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"3D Art Gallery" by Darcy Jenner

Darcy Jenner

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

DANT Starter Award Winner - 2020

I am a 3rd-year student at Charles Darwin University, based in Darwin.

I submitted a proposal for a 3D recreation fo the Nan Giese Art Gallery, so this blog will be my record of the project in work, as well as any other additions to attach to it.

To begin with, I took measurements, photographs and sketches of the gallery, and used these to reconstruct the look and feel of the gallery.


I also then took photographs of various surfaces and used those to create textures for the walls, floor and everything else in the scene. Ensuring that all of the surfaces are appealing to look at, whilst not being distracting.


Next up, I took the 3D model from the program I was using (Blender), and imported it into my second program (Unity3D), to create the world space.


Doing this allowed me to then begin capturing and adding in the artworks, ensuring that the positioning of each is identical (or as close to identical as can be) to the real world positioning. Also ensuring that each space with a piece of artwork has an accompanying light set up, to draw attention towards the artworks.


The next step was to ensure that visitors could find out more information about the artworks and their creators, by allowing the viewer to interact with a certain point on the artworks and bring up a small box with information such as the artist statement, artworks name, artists name, date created and even some close-up images.


For a separate subject at CDU, I was given the option of choosing a creative piece of art I had created and was to then argue why what I have created is creative. I presented my drat during a lecture, the presentation and its script of which can be found linked just below.


After finally adding in all of the artworks, all of the interactive information screens and adjusting the lighting, it is next time to begin working on the specifics, such as any floor decals, any extra lighting spots, a way to exit the program whenever one wishes, a credit sequence as well as the main menu for the program.


Finally, after weeks of hard work. the project is completed. All of the smaller details have been added and the larger features have been implemented such as; the main menu, credits, a way to quit the application, a way to return to the menu from the gallery and a few other smaller things.

Multiplay functionality has been disabled by the people that run the engine itself so unfortunately, it wasn't possible to implement, but otherwise, the project is completed and almost ready for public enjoyment. 2 versions of the project will be available upon release, a Windows-based version and a MacOS based version.


It has taken some time, but I've made some major changes to the program since last time. I have increased the ambient brightness to allow for more visibility, changed the informational screens and made everything more interactive, streamlined and easy to follow. images can be found in a small gallery bellow.

Furthermore, an attempt will be made to, instead of having the gallery available as a downloadable file, to instead provide it as an embedded program in the DANT website, though this will need to be tested first.



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