Philosophy in Action Series, Truth and Silence: A Quiet Philosophy Fest in the Northern territory
In the context of the Truth and Silence project, we invited anyone to submit creative works or philosophical reflections about truth and silence. We are now able to announce the first winners of a Truth-Seekers Award.
Congratulations to the following persons for their submissions.
Elise (SA), submission: Hush, Home, and Breath (poems in relation to PTSD)
Jack (NT), submission: How Philosophy Can be Lost to Neglect (micro-essay)
Heath (WA), submission: Sharing Flies (poem about truth and flies)
Jake (NT), submission: On the Adaptation of Myths (micro-essay)
Oscar (NT), submission: On the Creation of a Philosophy Class in a Secondary School (micro-essay)
James (SA), submission: How do I Know the Beliefs I Have Are True and How Do I Test Them? (micro-essay)
Following the success of the Truth-Seekers Award program, we are hoping to continue to award additional submissions over the next few months.
The Truth-Seekers Award is an artistic and educational initiative that aims to encourage critical thinkers and budding young philosophers to question the works in the context of a community of enquiry. To challenge students, topic questions were conveyed through creative and innovative modalities such as but not limited to, an object, an image, poetry, or an essay.
This project has benefited from a partnership with the Arts of Truth-Telling collective; the College of Indigenous Futures, Education, and Arts, Charles Darwin University; the Philosophy in Community Committee of the Australasian Association of Philosophy; Philosothon project, University of Western Australia