This year has been difficult for many. As an international student in Australia, continuing to live and study through COVID-19, can often be confusing and challenging. To counter these feelings, I have developed the Wishing Tree projects focused on creating space where students can share messages and experiences with each other, to support each other during this tough time.
When the pandemic hit Australia and the rest of the globe, countries around the world began increasingly adopting sweeping measures, including full lockdowns, shutting down airports, imposing travel restrictions, and completely sealing their borders.
In these moments, people are overwhelmed and need support both financially and emotionally.
I hope this project brightened someone’s day in the chaos, confusion and isolation of the pandemic. In particular I asked, “how to cheer my friends up, who are international students at CDU?”. My project Wishing Tree was situated in CDU Library foyer during 18 September to 11 October 2020 and received 135 wishes. I used social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram as well as special events such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, traditionally celebrated in many East and Southeast Asian countries including my own in Vietnam, to promote participation. The project included designing, relating and promoting a community centred experience for healing and hope.